How is a one-phase implant-based mouth restoration ready in just 5 days?
The basic rule is that the better we care for our teeth, the later we will have dental problems. After a while, however, even with the most careful dental care, the condition of the teeth deteriorates. There may even be hereditary reasons for this. This article is for those who have severe problems with their teeth, understand, they need dentures. And not only do one or two teeth need to be replaced, but the entire set of teeth, i.e., oral rehabilitation, is required. That can happen in two ways. Traditionally, with removable dentures or dental implants. Other options are traditional two-phase or immediate loading implant, which have quite different properties. Our main profile is one-phase implant-based mouth restoration, which performs under general anesthesia by an implant specialist.
What dental implants are there?
All dental implants are screws made of high-purity titanium alloy, which can perfectly replace the natural tooth root! Implant and implantation technology have developed enormously; although the development has slowed down somewhat, it continues. The only reason why dental implants have not become more widespread is their relatively high cost.
There are two types of implant families. One is the so-called traditional two-phase implant, and the other is the immediate loading one-phase implant. Both have the same goal, but there are significant differences between them. One of the characteristics of an implantation specialist is that he knows both types of implants well and is an expert in implanting them. In recent years implantation has become more and more specialized. One implantologist becomes an expert in traditional two-phase implants, while the other becomes an expert in one-phase implants. For example, due to its numerous beneficial favorable properties, we specialize exclusively in one-phase implant-based mouth restoration, which we perform exclusively under general anesthesia. In the case of oral rehabilitation, this is the only way to be completely free of pain and discomfort.
The success of dental implantation has two key players. One is the implant itself, and the other is the implantologist. This statement is verified by practice because even if someone uses a high-quality implant, but the implantologist is not a master of their profession and does not know all the ins and outs of dental implantation, he cannot be an implantation specialist. For someone to become one, theoretical knowledge and practical experience acquired over many years are necessary. At the same time, it is also true that even the perfect implantologist cannot do an ideal job if the assistants and dental technicians working with him cannot keep up with him.
What do we mean by the term oral rehabilitation?
Oral rehabilitation, or mouth restoration as it is also called, becomes necessary in case of complete tooth loss. In practice, this happens very rarely because it is typical that there are still teeth, but further dental treatment is not recommended for some reason. For example, one-phase implant-based mouth restoration may also become necessary when the existing teeth are healthy. Still, their number does not exceed the minimum sufficient to secure even a traditional set of teeth. In most cases, the existing teeth are unsuitable for further dental treatment, so they must remove before implant placement.
Implant implantation specialist
One-phase implant-based mouth restoration is the perfect dental replacement solution, but it is also true that it is not cheap fun. The reason for the high price is primarily the expensive implant and not the cost of the implantation. Anyone who pays several million forints for implant-based dentures can rightly expect quality work. However, it does not depend only on the implant but also mainly on the implantologist who implants it. One of the essential characteristics of an implantation specialist is perfect material knowledge, which means that he knows everything there is to know about dental implants. If he is not a master of his trade, continuous, high-quality work is not guaranteed.
Perfect knowledge of dental implants is necessary but not enough for someone to become an implant specialist. It is increasingly common practice that an oral surgeon specializing in implantology does not perform general dental treatments but instead specializes exclusively in implant placement. That is understandable since dental implant implantation requires much attention, knowledge, and practical experience. Of course, this is also the case with us since our specialist in one-phase implant implantation deals exclusively with implantology.
How exactly does one-phase implant-based mouth restoration under anesthesia take place?
Oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant is always performed under anesthesia and consists of two parts. In one, the one-phase implant placement and the creation of long-term temporary denture(s). During the second part, we create the permanent denture(s). The specific process is brief as follows.
First time
– Personal consultation with the implantologist or oral surgeon who performs the implant placement.
– CT and panoramic x-rays. Both imaging methods are necessary to understand the state of the skeleton accurately.
– Thorough examination of the oral cavity, paying particular attention to the condition of the bones and gums.
– Consultation with the anesthesiologist performing the anesthesia. The condition for anesthesia is the previously served laboratory and EKG examination.
– General anesthesia.
– The specific intervention begins with removing teeth unsuitable for prosthetic treatment.
– Preparation of the required number of one-phase implants for implantation.
– Implantation of the required number of one-phase implants in the upper, lower, or jawbones.
– Sampling for long-term temporary denture(s).
– Preparation of long-term temporary denture(s). The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
– The necessary control tests.
Approximately six months should elapse between the first and the second time, but we recommend having the final denture made within a year.
Second occasion
– Personal consultation with the implantologist performing the implant placement.
– Panoramic X-ray recording.
– Thorough oral cavity examination, particularly regarding the condition of the implants and the gums.
– If everything is in order, sampling for the final denture.
– Preparation of the final porcelain denture or dentures. The permanent denture is fixed and not removable by the patient, similar to the long-term temporary denture.
– The necessary control tests.
Our article on one-phase implant-based mouth restoration under general anesthesia discusses when implant-based oral rehabilitation becomes necessary and what kind of implants are usable for this type of tooth replacement. We explained the implant specialist’s characteristics and why we should choose such a specialist. Finally, we briefly described how one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation occurs under anesthesia. If you have any questions about the topic discussed, please contact us.
In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know in the comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
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